2020 OWOV Festival and Library of Congress take the field with “A League of Their Own”

Mo’ne Davis and DC Girls Baseball Score a Home Run

Mo’ne Davis’s visit to the Library of Congress in July for OWOV Festival/LOC lawn screening of A LEAGUE OF THEIR OWN was a home run especially for DC Force, DC Girls Baseball Little League team. Before the screening Mo’ne toured the LOC’s baseball exhibit where she was greeted by the Librarian of Congress Carla Hayden, and an enthusiastic  team of girl baseball players.

Former Little League World Series star ‘Ne Davis meets with local DC Force baseball team members in the Baseball Americana exhibit in the Library of Congress, July 25, 2019. Photo by Shawn Miller/Library of Congress.

Mo’ne, 14 years old, made history, being the first girl to pitch a shut out at the Little League World Series 2014. Now a young adult, Mo’ne will be playing softball for Hampton University in Virginia where she’s currently a freshman.

Former Little League World Series star Mo’Ne Davis signs autographs for DC Girls Baseball players. Photo by Shawn Miller/Library of Congress. Note: Privacy and publicity rights for individuals depicted may apply.

A LEAGUE OF THEIR OWN was one of the most attended events for the LOC’s lawn movie  series. Directed by Penny Marshall, A LEAGUE OF THEIR OWN was entered into the National Film Registry in 2012. Before the movie Mo’ne threw out signed baseballs to the audience. Lucky catchers received tickets to Washington Nationals baseball game.

“A League of Their Own”, Sony Pictures

The real impact of the event was seen on the faces of Mo’ne’s fans who showed up for the screening including a grandmother and her three granddaughters who requested a picture with Mo’ne.

Special THANK YOU to our partners for this event: DC Girls Baseball, National Museum of Women in the Arts, Washington Nationals, and Ben’s Chili Bowl.